Kjell Rune Monsø
September 2, 2024

Introducing Apps Advise AI

Apps Advise is an AI-powered pre-project service designed to simplify the app development planning process for businesses. It utilizes artificial intelligence to streamline the initial stages of app creation, saving you time and resources.

Here's how Apps Advise AI works (you can also check out the video above for a demo):

  1. Describe your app: Briefly explain your concept or the problem your app aims to solve. This can be either a general description or a more detailed one.
  2. AI analyzes your idea: AppLab utilizes AI to understand your concept.
  3. Get a full app concept: Within minutes, you'll receive a comprehensive app concept outline, including features, functionalities, and potential monetization strategies.
  4. Delivery and cost estimation: Along with the concept, AppLab provides an estimated timeline for development and potential costs associated with building your app on the AppCloud platform.

Benefits of using Apps Advise AI:

  • Faster pre-development: Get a clear idea of your app's potential and feasibility in minutes.
  • AI-powered insights: Benefit from AI analysis to refine your app concept and identify potential areas for improvement.
  • Cost and time savings: Avoid lengthy and expensive traditional pre-development processes.
  • Informed decision-making: Make data-driven decisions about your app's development based on AI estimations.

Overall, Apps Advise AI is a valuable tool for businesses and entrepreneurs who are considering developing an app. It can help you validate your concept, estimate development costs, and move forward with a more concrete plan.

However, it's important to remember that the information provided by Apps Advise is an initial estimate. The actual development process may involve additional functionalities, features, and considerations not captured in the initial AI analysis.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

  • Apps Advise AI is specifically designed for apps that will be built on the AppCloud platform.
  • The service is likely most beneficial for those with limited app development experience.
  • For complex apps or those requiring extensive customization, a more in-depth pre-development process might be necessary.

Check out Apps Advise AI if you are interested in learning more or the visit AppCloud if you want to know more about the platform in general.