
Public mHealth

Helsenorge is the national online health services in Norway. We have helped adapting these services to mobile and have delivered strategy and UX related services in multiple projects.

After launching a better log in experience in our mobile services, the usage increased threefolds. Showing that ease of use is everything for a modern digital service to succeed.
Public mHealth

How can we utilize the possibilities in the mobile ecosystem to create valuable health services for the people of Norway?

We have had a long partnership with Helsenett, the national company developing the digital healthcare solutions in Norway.

Our goal has been to improve the mobile strategies for the services and help redefine what a public health service should be.

The result is multiple projects all with the goal of building a robust framework for future services.

Logged in users are happy users

Our first project was to assess the existing mobile app and develop a strategy for it to be improved and used more often.

In this project we focused on a smoother log in experience with long lived sessions and biometric authentication.

Ensuring that the user stays logged in in the service makes it easier to access the data and services faster and more conveniently.

Youth health care

Building a service that adapts to key phases of life has always been a goal for Helsenorge. Reaching kids and youth on their terms is not always easy.

In the latest version, Helsenorge are launching services for young people over the age of 13. The services are first available to selected municipalities in Norway, before they can eventually be used by schoolchildren across the country.

By logging into the app with your MinID, you can easily book an appointment with the health nurse at the school, find out where the nearest youth health center is, and receive useful information from the health nurse as a message in the app. You can also see who your GP is.

You can receive notifications on your mobile in connection with hours and messages.

Everything you do in the app is both safe, secure and completely private.

Future strategies and concepts

Building on the success of the first versions - we have developed a modular strategy and further concepts for how the service can evolve and grow with your life.

From birth through different phases of life and all the way to old ages you have different needs.

These strategies include a focus on families, representation of others and ways to incorporate third party service providers within the app.


The service is in daily use by millions of Norwegians and sets an example of how future mobile health care solutions.

Check it out at helsenorge.no

Self care